Just because you’re an affiliate doesn’t mean you’re off the hook for branding. Well, you could take that approach – but it won’t help you build a flourishing business. Sure, you might make some sales and commissions – but you want profits to explode.
Build Your Brand with a Visual Difference
Get noticed, get into the mind and build your brand with a visual difference. Branding expert Laura Ries explains why a brand needs to be visually different to succeed.
Ladders in the Mind
Marketing expert Al Ries explains the importance of positioning and categories. People file brands on ladders in the mind. What rung is your brand on? If you are number three, you are nowhere.
Brand Building Takes Time
Branding expert Laura Ries explains why a slow start may be better than a rocket takeoff of your brand.
First Do Something
Saying something isn’t enough. Branding expert Al Ries explains the law of public relations: “Doing something is better than saying something.”
Who’s the Enemy?
Branding expert Laura Ries explains how you can find your best strategy by doing the opposite of your main competitor.