A free report is nothing more than a short ebook with a fancy name. Reports normally have a very tight focus and are approximately 8-25 pages and in a pdf format.
How can a free report help you get traffic?
Digital Products: Create, give away, and sell your own profitable, digital product assets.
An ecourse is an email series that goes out over the course of several days.
You may have signed up for a “Free 7 day course on How to Cook Healthy Foods for your Family” or “Five Days to a Well-Trained Dog”. If so, you signed up for an e-course. You received day 1 while other people may have been receiving day 3 or day 7. The emails are in sequence to be sent in order as people sign up, whether the person signs up today or next year.
How can an ecourse help you get traffic?
Producing ezine articles is an excellent way to promote your business. These articles take ezine advertising a step further by establishing you as an expert in your field and providing sufficient exposure for your company. However, producing 400 or 500 words that make sense, draw in a reader and compel them to spend money is an intimidating prospect. Fortunately, you have options. This article will discuss four options in producing ezine articles that are sure to sell your business.
YOU CAN GET MORE THAN 10,000 PUBLIC DOMAIN INFORMATION PRODUCTS at little or no cost and use them any way you want. Public domain (or “PD”) information is not copyrighted, so you can use it to create new products easily and then sell those products for a profit in your own business. PD information products are yours for the asking or for a small fee. They include many:
NEWSPAPER AND TV HEADLINES SCREAM ABOUT LAYOFFS in almost every industry and business. Result–millions of unemployed men and women aching from the stress of being laid off and looking for a way to recover and rid themselves of the fear and turmoil of future layoffs. The answer:
People are hungry for the information newsletters give them. You –if you like the information business–can start building your fortune in newsletters. How? Here’s how: