Have you ever thought that article marketing is not for everyone? If you have, you wouldn’t be alone in your thinking but you would be mistaken. You would also be passing up a golden opportunity to spread valuable information about the products you’re offering.
It’s easy to understand why some would be reluctant to get involved with writing articles. For some, writing ranks as high on the fun meter as paying a large tax bill on April 15th every year. But even if writing articles isn’t your idea of a good time, there’s still no need to pass up using this powerful tool.
Remember that for those who can’t or those who can’t find the time – there’s always outsourcing. Outsourcing means that you find someone who will write the articles you need for you.
You can find writers at different freelance sites as well as on writer forums. If hiring a writer isn’t in your budget for the time being, then you might want to consider the option of purchasing private label rights (or PLR) articles to use.
All you have to do to turn PLR articles into personalized content is to tweak the words a bit and add your own touch – or just put your name on them and use them as is. You can take these articles and then use them as if you’d written them.
Article marketing is good for both beginning business owners as well as those who’ve been in the business for awhile. It’s not important just because it’s a free tool to use, but also because it gets results.
What you want to do when you get started (or if you’ve been at it awhile and you want to send out a fresh batch of articles) is to make a list of all of the article directory sites. Write out five important main points about your product or service. Under each point, write four sentences pertaining to each main point.
Once you have those five main points, draw on them again and again to write your articles. For example, if you were writing about a self help product to stop smoking, some of your main points might be things like ‘why smoking is addictive – why people enjoy smoking – what the triggers are (after meals, before bed, etc.).’
You can then branch that out into something like ‘replacement therapy’- going for walks, getting up from the table after a meal, etc. Then in your resource box, you could have something personal like, “I once had a tough time quitting smoking too. That is, until I discovered one product that changed my life forever. Click here to find out what it was…”
Article marketing isn’t for those who feel they can post articles anywhere with tons of affiliate links, long winded bios and absolutely nothing helpful to say. Not only will you probably be shown the door at the marketing site, but readers won’t have any reason to follow you.