How do you get a job without experience and how do you get experience without a job? That’s the age old question and it applies equally to mystery shopping.
Work from Home: Online jobs and small business management tips for the entrepreneur.
Owning a business these days means that you have to be ready for some serious competition, especially if you want to bring your business over to the internet to gain more customers. You may have wondered how established companies all over the world came to the stage where they are now, and believe it or … Read more
Most businesses nowadays close within one year. This is not because of a weak business plan. However, we also have to take into consideration the performance of others in the same industry. If your competition is doing great, then it means that you are sinking. The difference between a successful business and one that is … Read more
Start Your Own Import-Export Business Now! Get Your Own Import-Export Business Plan Now! What is a good way to build up a successful business from nothing and have fun doing it? The import-export business may be your answer. Not only does it require little financial investment to start, but it offers the prestige of working … Read more
Almost every company, whether they’re big or small, has a customer service department — or at the very least an owner who wears the customer service hat on a daily basis.
A small business can actually become big based on their customer service. Before you start laughing at the idea, let’s take a look at the differences we see in small business customer service versus the customer service we see in the larger companies.
You started a small business and want to expand it, but don’t have much money to spend on your advertising needs. This really isn’t a problem because there are many ways to advertise your business using free options.
The Internet provides us with one of the best ways to use word of mouth advertising campaigns to different people throughout the world. Here are some of the ways you can use the ‘net for free advertising for your small business: