The Benefits of Direct Mail Marketing

The beer company just spent millions for a brief few seconds of time to have a commercial air during a popular season finale. But a lot of their target audience got off the sofa and went to the bathroom. Or they went into the kitchen and fixed a snack and missed the commercial. Or like … Read more

Importance of Effective Branding Strategies to Improve Business

Every business or company needs a trading name in order to operate in the market. But among the many small and big companies and businesses, only few have what they call ‘Brands’ or ‘Brand Name’. This is because some companies utilize various business marketing strategies to generate more customers by making their product more attractive … Read more

Hire a Tax Preparer or Go It Alone?

More and more people are making the move to doing their taxes at home. With programs like TurboTax and TaxACT available, the process can be simplified and the refund swift in coming. However, going it alone is not always the wisest or most cost-efficient choice. Let’s weigh some of the key factors in determining whether … Read more

What Is Direct Mail Marketing?

Because the term has been used so interchangeably, the answer to the question, “What is direct mail marketing?” seems to have numerous answers. But this type of marketing is sent directly to the customer’s personal space. The term “mail” in the phrase is often overlooked and many have come to believe that it’s no longer … Read more

Tax Tips for the Self-Employed

Being self-employed comes with a whole host of tax-related advantages and savings. In fact, being self-employed is considered by many to be one the best tax strategies of our time. Self-employment allows you full command of your tax situation and, with the right knowledge, you can have much control over the amount of taxes you … Read more

Branding and its Contribution to Your Business Success

A lot of businesses these days often fail to establish a solid reputation with their customers and so end up failing and losing sales that should’ve been theirs to begin with. Small companies tend to be swallowed by the competition because they fail to get a foot hold in the niche that they are doing … Read more