Without using article marketing, one kind of product promotion business owners will often use is the pay-per-click method. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that PPC can be a very costly way of doing business.
The goal of PPC is to get people to your site. So you bid for keywords, your ads pop up during searches and if they click on the ad, you then pay because they clicked. Just because the visitor clicked on the ad doesn’t guarantee a conversion.
Which means you can get a whole lot of clicks that you pay for without making a dime in profit. See the problem? You want money to flow toward you, not away from you, so you want to use the least expensive means to get your links in front of people.
The best way to do that is by using articles that you write or have someone else write about your product or service. You get the article listed with directories, which search engines love by the way, and when someone clicks on the links back to your website, it still doesn’t cost you any money! That’s just one advantage to promoting your business through articles.
Another way to help promote your site and get conversions (rather than a fast emptying wallet with PPC) is your link can lead straight to a squeeze page. As you know, sometimes it takes more than one visit before people will commit to buying.
If they walk away from the site and you don’t know who they are or how to get in touch with them, a future potential sale goes with them. You need them to visit your site, see your information and if they’re on the fence, you want them to have the opportunity to share their email and who they are with you before they leave the page. That’s why article marketing is so important but that’s not the only reason.
There’s also how it lets you build a list and as anyone with a rising business will tell you, there’s power and money in the list. From a list, you get your repeat customers and from that a constant stream of income.
To build a subscriber list, you want to make sure your articles are helpful and give them a taste of what your product or service can do for them – but don’t give them the entire meal. Always leave them hungry for more.
While article marketing isn’t the only way to promote your business, it is the smart marketers’ way. Not only because it has the right price (free) and can done fairly quickly, but also because the more articles you place, the more you’ll earn the reputation as the king (or queen) of your niche.