Sometimes all people need to do is fill out something simple like their e-mail address or zip code. Zip code offers are particularly easy to convert because they are very low risk for the person filling it out! Other offers are more difficult, and require a few pages of information to be filled out. Of course, the more difficult the offer is (which means lower conversions) the more money you will likely get paid. Sometimes it seems like a dream if it is easy to convert the offer and you get quite a high payout!
CPA offers can be found at CPA dedicated networks. These are similar to many affiliate networks you might have heard of, but they mostly focus on these cost per action offers. Do take note that it can be a little bit more difficult to get accepted into the CPA networks than it is to get accepted into something like ClickBank.com or CJ.com. That’s because they want people with a little more experience who can convert their offers. Still, even the newest of the new can get accepted into the CPA networks with the right strategies, which we will cover in this series.
If you’ve been trying to make money online for a while, or even if you are an accomplished Internet marketer, CPA offers are the way to go these days. That’s because the offers are often high converting, and the companies who provide the offers are very willing to pay their marketers high commissions.
Of course, it can be difficult to navigate this type of marketing if you have not done so before. That’s why it’s best to learn as much as possible so you can get started making money right away. That’s the good thing about CPA marketing — you really can make money the same day you start promoting an offer!
If you own a website that sells a service, hand-made products, or an informational product that you’ve created, then an affiliate program can help you to get more traffic – and make more money in the process.
What is an Affiliate Program?
Affiliate or referral programs reward people for bringing them customers.
There are three types of affiliate programs:
Pay Per Click, Pay Per Lead or Pay Per Sale. If you’re considering paying for traffic, then you’ll want to check out our article about benefiting from pay per click traffic.
In this article, we’d like to talk about Pay Per Sale. That means that you’ll only pay your affiliates for sending you customers, not just for sending you leads or traffic. So, you pay them money only if they make you money.
I like to compare the Pay Per Sale model to realtors. They make a commission from each house they sell. If they don’t sell any houses for six months, they don’t make any money during that time. If they sell 100 houses, they make a lot of money.
What are the other benefits of starting an affiliate program?
The benefits are great with an affiliate program. You get exposure from having others spread the word about your product or services, and your work is less than if you tried to do it all alone. You and your loyal affiliates both benefit.
How do you start an affiliate program?
There are several programs available for starting an affiliate program. Before you start, really consider how much growth you plan to have in the coming year.
If you only plan to launch one info product (or electronic product) and want to get it out quickly, then we recommend ClickBank.
- Pros: Simple and inexpensive to start. They handle all payments.
- Cons: Difficult to track and train your affiliates. You pay per transaction so, if your product becomes very successful, your monthly expenses may become higher than if you had a shopping cart.
If you plan to grow and have multiple products (or you have products that aren’t electronic, like food or skin care), you may want to look into a shopping cart system that has an affiliate program built in like Nanacast.
- Pros: All-inclusive. No “per-transaction” fees. Includes a follow-up responder.
- Cons: Monthly fee.
That gives you an idea of where to begin to set up your affiliate program. How do you keep your affiliates loyal and happy? That’s another article.