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Tips for Incorporating Twitter into Your Daily Business Routine

One of the most highly touted social networking sites on the Internet right now is Twitter. One of the reasons it’s so highly touted is that to incorporate Twitter into your daily business is almost too easy. The following ideas will help you to incorporate this service into the marketing efforts of your business on a daily basis.

If you’ve used Twitter before you probably already know that it’s a great tool for chatting amongst friends and fellow online business owners. For those who haven’t let’s start out with how to get started with Twitter.

First, you must sign up for your own Twitter account or page. The service is free to use and takes just a few minutes to get going. Simply go to and sign up. When you set up your account don’t forget to fill in your website’s URL and a tid-bit about yourself or your business in the profile.

The next step is to begin following other Twitter users. There are a few ways you can do this. You can either save their pages to your web browser bookmarks or, and this way is easier, once you’ve found their page simply click the “Follow” button under their name. This will allow you to see their posts, or tweets. Now you’ll need to let others know that you have joined Twitter so that they can follow your updates as well. You can do this by telling your list subscribers, posting about Twitter on your blog, and more. There are even scripts you can add to your blog or website that will retrieve your most recent tweets and post them for your visitors to see.

You have the ability to use your Twitter page to see what’s happening with others or you can even download applications such as Twhirl that will allow you to have instant messaging style software on your computer to see all your posts and the posts of those you follow.

Now that you’re all set up simply login to your Twitter page or open up your Twhirl software and start sending messages. Just as with any social networking site such as forums or message boards, Twitter can easily take big chunks of your time if not monitored carefully. This is one reason it would be wise to devote a set amount of time per day to network with it. A good starting point would be around 15 minutes each day. You can easily plan this with your morning email check and cup of coffee or at the end of the day.

Anytime something interesting is going on in your business, whether it’s a site change, a product launch or even a special post to your blog, use Twitter to let your followers know. As with any marketing tool, don’t just bombard Twitter with your links. Be personable and establish your expertise in your niche. Be friendly and observant to others as well and you’ll go far with Twitter.

You may not see results from your twittering efforts immediately and that’s ok. The important thing is to begin to get your name recognized and be a regular contributor. The more You post and incorporate the service into your daily business routine, the more recognized you’ll become. People will want to know what’s going on with you and your business and in time, you’ll be linked to over and over again by other users.

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