How To Accept Credit Cards Without a Merchant Account

J. Stephen Pope

by J. Stephen Pope

To increase sales on your website, you must accept credit cards. To process credit cards, you could apply for a merchant account through your bank or other financial institution.

Sometimes, though, you would be further ahead to use the services of a credit card processor. This is especially true when you are first starting out and have more limited resources. In this way, you may process credit card transactions without the high front-end costs and requirements of a merchant account.

Here, then, are just a few ways of accepting credit cards without a merchant account. I personally use all of these vendors and can recommend them wholeheartedly.

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How to Write an Ezine Article

Ezine articles are an excellent way to market your business to a targeted audience. Marketing experts have found that ezine articles can be used to establish yourself as an expert in your field, draw in prospective customers and prompt them to buy. For those who enjoy writing, a simple ezine article may not seem like a complex task. However, for the rest of us, article writing can be an intimidating endeavor. This article will provide five tips for making the most of your ezine article.

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