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How to Start Your Virtual Assistant Business and Not Feel Overwhelmed – 5 Simple Tips

Lisa Taliga Virtual Assistant

by Lisa Taliga

You’ve decided to start your own Virtual Assistant business. You’ve got to think of a business name, register it, organise a PO Box, get some new equipment ….aaaargh! Where do you start? Is your mind going round and round in circles? Are you feeling overwhelmed?

I totally identify with that feeling. I remember all too well when I was starting out that my head was stuffed full of things to do, organise and manage. It’s easy to let it all overwhelm you and cause you to take no action! I was also working full-time so it was crucial for me to stay focused on my ultimate goal of staying at home and earning an income.

Here are 5 easy tips to combat overwhelm, which can be applied to any business:

1. Draw up a list

Make a list of the major to-do areas that apply to your situation e.g. creating and registering a business name, getting equipment, thinking about what services to provide, what to charge and so on.

Carry a notepad around with you so that you can make a note of ideas as they come. That way you don’t feel as if your brain is about to burst with all the things you have to do.

2. Break major tasks into smaller ones

The next step is to break these larger tasks into very small bite-sized chunks that you can easily get your head around. If you know it’s only going to take you an hour rather than 20 hours, then you’re much more likely to tackle the task.

3. Plan ahead

At the end of each week, plan what tasks you’re going to complete the following week. Then each evening, plan the following day. Make a note of just 3 – 4 things that have to be completed that day.

4. Set goals

Set short, medium and long term goals. An example of a short term goal could be to register your business name within 2 weeks. A medium term goal could be to get your first retainer client within 3 months.

My long term goal was to work full-time from home within a year. This kept me focused and working towards something tangible. Every morning I imagined what it would be like to work from home and not have to commute! Because, let me tell you, that long train ride was beginning to wear thin.

5. Curb that perfectionism

Another reason for feeling overwhelmed is thinking you have to get everything just right straight away. Believe me, you’ll make mistakes – this is all part of the process. The main thing is just to get started and adjust things along the way.

Applying these skills really helped me to stay focused and achieve my goal of making money from home. If I had allowed myself to stay overwhelmed, I’d probably not have got very far with my business. So, make use of these 5 tips, get on track with your Virtual Assistant business and stop that daily commute!

(c) Copyright by Lisa Taliga

About the Author

Lisa Taliga is a Virtual Assistant and author of ‘Freelance from Home! The 5 Key Steps to Your Successful Virtual Assistant Business’ and ‘The 7 Things You Must Know Before Starting Your Successful Virtual Assistant Business’.