Don’t Waste Precious Online Real Estate

John Reese

by John Reese

I’d be willing to bet that right now, right this second, you are wasting precious online real estate.

In other words, you are not taking advantage of every “place” in your online marketing that you could be using to make you money.

The biggest one many people (including myself) often overlook:

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More Wasted Online Real Estate

John Reese

by John Reese

In a very recent newsletter (two days ago) I wrote to tell you about maximizing the income from your web sites by making sure you use every available piece of “online real estate”.

It’s time to tell you about another “place” that you can use right now to make more profit from the traffic you are already receiving.

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How To Start Your Own Successful Business Consulting Service

A consultant works with the management of a business to improve the profitability of the business. Working with the top management, you can rest assured the consultant is a very highly paid individual. Some consultants charge $100 per hour. Others charge $1,500 per day for their services, and still others work on an annual retainer fee of $12,000 to over $30,000 per year from any number of large corporations.

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Highlights Of My First Seminar Presentation

John Reese

by John Reese

I have really enjoyed helping other entrepreneurs, and I will continue to teach people how to succeed online — which is why I started

Here are a few things that I recently shared in my first ever formal seminar presentation:

1. All of your marketing online must be designed for IDIOTS.

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Top 10 Reasons to Become an Affiliate Marketer

Rosalind Gardner | Affiliate Marketer

by Rosalind Gardner

Back when my online business consisted ONLY of affiliate sites, I had no need for a personal assistant.

The sites were all in place, and my affiliated merchants handled everything related to orders.

Last week, one of my clients mentioned that he was moving AWAY from selling his own products to promoting more affiliate programs just for the simplicity and freedom.

Yup, he definitely ‘gets’ it.

Although there are many, many benefits to promoting affiliate programs with your own home-based Internet business, here are my top 10 reasons to become an affiliate marketer.

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Great! So Now Your Web Site *Sounds* Like Crap

John Reese

by John Reese

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve noticed that Armand Morin’s AudioGenerator service is taking the industry by storm.

It’s not just because it allows you to add audio to your web pages. Heck, there are some much cheaper ways to do that. It’s because he’s made it brain-dead-simple to do it. You call a phone number, record your message, and get code you paste to your site.

Whamo! You’ve got audio on your site.

For people that don’t want to mess with all the techie stuff involved with adding audio to web pages, his service has made it really simple…


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