5 Easy to Outsource Tasks for Online Businesses

Outsource Weekly

When you are looking to save yourself time and to make sure that your online business is running to the best of its ability, you will find that one of the things that you should look at is outsourcing.

You may consider outsourcing to be something that only huge companies do, but you’ll find that online business and outsourcing are a perfect fit.

Because online business calls for a wide variety of skills and talents, no one person can or should tackle them all on their own.

There are several tasks that can easily and, more importantly, beneficially be outsourced elsewhere. Here are just a few of them.

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Autoresponder Services Improve Your Profits

J. Stephen Pope

by J. Stephen Pope

Perhaps you, like me, have web hosting that includes, free of any extra charge, unlimited autoresponders. That being the case, you might be inclined to balk at any suggestion to start paying for them.

Recently, however, I made the switch to paying a monthly fee for unlimited autoresponders. Am I rich (with money to burn)? Have I lost my mind?

Actually, I consider this move to paid autoresponders to be a wise decision. Here are some reasons why you might want to pay for an autoresponder service.

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Increased Consulting Fees Through Self-Confidence

J. Stephen Pope
by J. Stephen Pope

Sometimes consultants and other service providers are hesitant to charge a fair rate for their services.

Maybe they feel that the services they provide are so basic that you really can’t justify charging much or anything for them.

Perhaps they feel that they don’t have the knowledge or experience that other consultants have.

Thus, they hesitate to charge fair rates because of a lack of self-confidence. This is natural (especially for new consultants). However, what you know and do has real value.

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Taste Testing Domain Names Can Yield Big Dollars For Savvy Investors

Domain Cash Machine

The key to domain taste testing is to take advantage of a five-day grace period offered by select domain name registry services. After doing careful research to identify and determine the commercial resale value of a domain name, the investor purchases the domain through the registrar and begins to immediately test its worth.

Different domain name investors may use a variety of different strategies to put a new domain through its paces including setting up Google AdSense ads to generate click-through commissions through text ads to setting up more extensive web sites with hundreds of pages of related content and products related to the domain name.

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