If your business is not using eBay and other Internet auctions, you could be missing out. Here are just a few ways of generating additional income, profits and cashflow from online auctions.
Blogs are a fantastic way to make money. They perform well in search engines, they’re easy to promote, and they can offer very sticky content. If you blog often, and you’re good at what you do, you could develop a pretty large following of readers who subscribe to your RSS feed and read your content on a daily basis.
One of the biggest keys to success with blogs is posting in them regularly. If you don’t post regularly, you probably won’t get much traffic, and people won’t return. Posting frequently also keeps your content fresh, and search engines love fresh content.
Whether you want to come up with your own original name or wish to buy someone else’s, here are some strategies for obtaining a profitable domain name.
by Rosalind Gardner
I once got an email from a gentleman who asserted that affiliate marketing as a business simply wasn’t for him.
Because it is too expensive!
Huh? Too expensive?
by Lisa Taliga
It’s that time of the year when I sit down with my accountant and see how much money I’ve earnt over the past 12 months. It’s been a profitable year – my most profitable yet. If I had known that I could be making this much money from the comfort of my own home, I would have started this business much, much sooner.
Why am I telling you this? Because looking at those figures, I have something very important to tell you. My business would not be anywhere near as profitable if I had not set my rates to the right level. Don’t get me wrong, I am not overcharging by any means. But what I AM doing is valuing my time and expertise. And that doesn’t come cheap!
When you’re starting out in your Virtual Assistant business it’s tempting to charge a low rate to bring in business. It’s easy to make the mistake of thinking that you won’t have many expenses and overheads because you’re working from home. Plus, you just want to get some clients, right?