by Joel Comm
Making huge sums of money with AdSense isn’t brain surgery. You simply have to know what you’re doing. If you know which types of ads to choose, where to place them on the page and how to use Google’s options to design them so that they get the maximum number of click-throughs, you should find your site earning heaps of money very quickly.
But things can go wrong. Revenues can be disappointing, clicks non-existent and pages designed to put off users instead of encourage them to check out your advertisers. You know when one of the worst things possible has gone wrong when, instead of seeing ads on your page, you get public service ads. These turn up when Google doesn’t recognize your keywords or can’t find a suitable ad to put on your Web page. Instead of showing a blank box, it puts up ads for all sorts of charities, none of which you choose – and none of which earn you revenue.
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