If you talk to many marketers who've promoted ClickBank products before, you'll often hear them lament the fact that they didn't build a list in their niche sooner. Whether you're new to promoting on ClickBank, or you've been doing it for a while, now is the time to consider building a list.
If you're totally brand-new, it might help you to know what an IM list is. Basically, it is a list of people who have signed up to be on your e-mail list. You'll generally have an autoresponder set up that will automatically send the messages at a predetermined rate, based on what you have entered into the system. You can also broadcast e-mails whenever you have a special announcement or promotion.
People will then join your list because you're either offering them something for free as enticement to join up, or they know they will get quality information and special product offers by joining up. People join by entering their name and e-mail address in an opt-in form. In order to get these people to opt in, you'll need to design a squeeze page. This squeeze page will contain the code your autoresponder company gives you (such as aWeber or Get Response) as well as some text and bullet points that showcase the benefits of joining.
Once you have these people on the list, you will work to build a relationship with them. They will know they can get quality information and advice from you. Every so often, you can send them a product offer. This is great because instead of getting a one-time chance of people buying through your link when they land on your promotional page, you can contact them again and again via their e-mail.
Studies have shown that it is easier to sell to people who are familiar with you (such as those on your list) then it is to sell to people who randomly went to a sales page. It might take a little bit longer to build up your list, but the results are well worth the extra effort. You can contact these people time and time again, and increase the customer's lifetime value by incredible amounts.
All of this information might sound daunting — and it is unless you have the step-by-step tools to guide you through. The good news is that there are products that will help take you by the hand to sell on ClickBank, including building a massive list in your niche!