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Bringing Offline Clients Into the Online World

Web Profits Club

There are so many marketers trying to cash in on fellow online marketer’s needs that they completely forget about the vast number of entrepreneurs who are offline, needing to increase their exposure and wealth.

Offline business owners who have local storefronts are often oblivious to how the online marketing world works. They may have an email account and get on Facebook once in awhile, but they’re not savvy about anything having to do with generating traffic, converting into sale, and other important elements.

Some many feel that because their business is offline, they don’t need a web presence. We all know how wrong that is because offline consumers often go on the Internet to shop and compare before getting in their cars and heading to a local store to make a purchase.

You can create an entire business around bringing offline clients into the online marketplace. The best thing about it is that all you have to do is basically educate people and the conversion will come naturally.

A local business owner who is ignorant about how his consumers find their way to him via the Internet can hire you in an instant if you show them a few things they need to know.

For example, show them how simple and inexpensive it is to be a website owner. Many may think (and may have been quoted) that a website will cost upwards of $15,000. You’ll set them straight on the low cost of a domain and hosting, and one of the ways you might profit is to use a professional business theme and charge them a small fee to set up their site for them. Tack on a bit more if they want you to write the content for it.

You’ll be teaching them how important Google searches are, what they need to know about industry keywords (and maybe give them a complimentary list of relevant keywords in their niche).

Show them how to create a buzz online via social media sites like a Facebook fan page and Twitter account, for example. You might have an a la carte menu where you charge for those set up options and train them or give them a cheat sheet on how to use it once it’s live.

There are tons of wonderful ways you can get in front of the offline business owners and pique their interest about having an online presence. Some people use flyers and postcard mailings, but you can also put together PLR magazines that look very professional and speak directly to their niche (like this: A Salon Owner’s Guide to Getting Clients Online).

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