Thinking of hiring an article marketing service? Before you commit to a payment, you should know that you might not get the results you’re hoping to achieve. There are services that will happily take your money and submit articles to various directories. But that doesn’t mean anything will grow because of those submissions. You have to ask what their policies and beliefs are regarding keyword density and search engine optimization.
If the articles aren’t written so that search engine optimization is used correctly, that article is time and money wasted because it’s not going to hit the bulls-eye. In fact, it won’t even come close to the dartboard.
Search engine optimization in article marketing is the practice of choosing specific keywords in each article for the purpose of boosting ranking. However, there’s a right balance to how many or how few keywords to use.
If you use too many – called keyword stuffing – then the article will be rejected by some article directories or shunned by Google (or so “they” say). When that happens, if you paid for a service, you’ve wasted both money and an opportunity for your business.
Keyword density is the area where many who are new to any kind of marketing mess up. Even those people working for an article marketing service don’t always understand how fine the balance is.
They either pepper the article with too many keywords, leaving a bad taste in everyone’s mouth, or they flavor it with too few and the search engine spiders can’t recognize what the article is about.
And if the spiders can’t find your article – you won’t get the ranking you want, won’t get the traffic you’re looking for and your conversion rate will either plummet or become non-existent. So what is the balance? Within the article, keywords can only make up about 2%. That’s not a lot of words to play around with.
Not all sites are indexed. So find out where they plan on submitting your articles. Find out their strategy for article submissions. A sudden flood of articles for the sole purpose of driving up rankings won’t make some search engines very happy campers and you could be out of the ballgame before you even get up to bat if that happens.
Article marketing is basically you trying to promote your website. Without the use of this powerful tool, you might not get the right exposure, but by using directories, you reap in an area where they’ve been sowing. They want your articles, but they don’t want to get articles that are sloppily put together and don’t play nicely according to the rules of keyword density.
So before you hire an article marketing service and plunk down money for a submission campaign, make sure the company understands exactly how to work with keywords and if they don’t, save your money and do the writing and submitting yourself.