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Article Marketing to Promote ClickBank Products

Affiliate Profits Club

Once you've selected a ClickBank product to promote, you need to answer the question — “How will I promote it?”

Many marketers start with article marketing because it's a very low cost strategy. in fact, it's not just low cost — outside of the cost of your time and effort, it is frequently free. (And that's just one of the advantages…)

You may not be familiar with it, as it is a marketing strategy that is unique to the Web. There simply isn't an equivalent strategy in the offline world.

So what is article marketing?

Article marketing consists of writing original articles and submitting them to websites known as article directories. Usually, by submitting your article, you are giving others permission to use your articles. Why would you want to do that?

Because they have to use your article as it was written, including something known as a resource box. And since you can include links in your article and your resource box — your articles (and your affiliate links to ClickBank products) can be spread far and wide across the ‘Net. Write a valuable article, and your article — and your affiliate links — can go “viral.”

Some article directories — such as and — rank well in the search engines. Which means that if you choose good keywords, your article on a given topic, submitted to those article directories, could be easily found by someone looking in Google.

So what are the best strategies for doing this?

The best selling ClickBank products are products that provide a solution to a problem. For instance, how to lose weight. Or how to cure hemorrhoids. You can write two types of articles — either an article which gives some suggestions on how to solve a particular problem, or you can write an article reviewing a particular product.

Obviously, your article shouldn't give away a complete solution on solving a particular problem.

You want to write your article in such a way that in encourages the reader to click on your links to get more information. You want to create a hunger in the reader. This article is too short to include ways to do this (which would actually be a great place for me to put a link here so you could get more information) — but go to the article directories and see how others write their articles to encourage you to click on their links.

When you include links, you can include a direct affiliate link — but your article will probably be picked up by more people if you include links to your site which then has your affiliate links to the product you are promoting. But you should test and see which way works better for you. If you do have links to your site, be sure to encourage visitors to sign up to an email list. That way you have the opportunity to market other products in the same niche to them.