Two Powerful Ways to Get Inside Your Prospects’ Heads… Here’s the First Step in Creating a Cash Pulling Sales Letter…
Think back to when you were a kid…
You wanted something from your folks. Maybe you wanted to borrow the car. Or perhaps you wanted to go somewhere that you knew they wouldn’t be thrilled about. Either way, you probably didn’t just come right out and ask for what you wanted, did you?
You spent some time in your room, mulling over the right away to convince your folks to your way of thinking. You came up with your arguments. And you thought about the best way to approach the individuals you needed to speak to.
See, even at that tender age you already knew quite a bit about persuasion. You knew you needed to construct your request just right in order to get a positive response. And what’s more, you tweaked your message depending on whom you were talking to.
Now you can take those same skills, polish them and apply them to your sales materials to create high response ads and letters!
Just as when you were a kid and you needed to create a custom-tailored argument, your first step in creating a good sales letter is to get inside your prospects’ heads in order to truly understand what motivates them. Once you do this, you can create a custom-tailored sales letter that speaks directly to their needs, wants and fears.
How do you do this?
Simple: You need to become a part of your target market – or at least spend some time with your market.
For example: If you’re selling to people who live in RVs, then rent an RV and live in an RV park for a week. If you’re selling to golfers, take up golf so that you can talk to other golfers. If you’re selling to college students, spend a lot of time on your local college campus.
Now, I realize this isn’t always possible. For example, if you’re a male trying to sell a product to women who do yoga, then you probably can’t join a female-only yoga class.
However, you CAN go online and join any number of social networks, forums and blogs to eavesdrop on your target market. Read the archives on these sites. Look for patterns, such as discussion points that come up repeatedly. Take note of which topics (and their associated emotions) create flaming-hot discussions. And, whenever possible, join the discussion and ask your own questions.
You see, until you actually become a part of your market (or at least immerse yourself in it), you’re just guessing about what motivates your market. And so any sales letter you create will fall flat. But once you know how to get inside your prospects’ head – and once you know how to stir their emotions – you’ll be well on your way to creating a high response sales letter.
Of course that’s just the beginning. Your next step is to take what you know about your prospects and plug it into the proven, time-tested copywriting formula – the same formula the world’s best copywriters use every day to turn out cash pulling sales letters. And now you can get your hands on this formula for free by joining Power Copy Club by clicking this special link now!