Limit Your Liability to Protect Your Assets

J. Stephen Pope

by J. Stephen Pope

If your business runs into serious difficulty, will it bring you down too? For example, what if one of your employees got involved in a serious car accident while working for you? Will the resulting lawsuit bankrupt you personally?

Here are just a few ways of protecting yourself against catastrophic losses and lawsuits.

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Income Tax Returns Your Accountant Should Not File

J. Stephen Pope

by J. Stephen Pope

You’ve been feeling uneasy (perhaps even guilty) because you’ve failed to report your under the table business income. Perhaps you’ve never filed a tax return, even though you know you owe money. Finally, you contact an accountant to resolve the situation.

Although it is commendable that you are trying to correct matters, hiring an accountant to do these delinquent returns could be a big mistake. The reason why is because tax evasion is a criminal offence or felony. You might also be subject to civil action.

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Exporting Can Make You Rich — If You’re Small

Tyler G. Hicks

by Tyler G. Hicks

THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, the government’s encourager of exporting, reports that 97% of exporters in the United States are small or medium-size firms. And these firms export more than $100 billion a year! Further:

  • Export firms growing the fastest today have fewer than 20 employees on their payroll.
  • Yet small exporters are less than 1% of the small businesses in the U.S. With know-how, the number could grow fast. And you could be one of the fast growers!

YOUR CHANCES OF EARNING BIG MONEY in exporting are greater if you’re small, trying to grow big. To succeed in exporting, take these easy, quick steps, starting now:

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