Many people look around for good marketing tools to help spread the word about what they do and the Twitter service is gaining a lot of ground as one of the most popular ways to market your online business.
For those looking to gain more clients, Twitter is an awesome way to do so. The best part is that it really isn’t all that hard and doesn’t take a ton of time or money to do so.
Maybe you just want to reach more people, or perhaps you are in a situation where you want to make sure that the people around you understand what it is you do in order to help them decide if they can use your product or services. In any case, have a look at the growing popularity of Twitter.
A combination of a chat or instant messaging service and a blog, Twitter is a great way to gain a broader audience. Simply by being yourself and showing others what it is you do via tweets (messages) or from word of mouth from current customers, you stand the chance of gaining more clients.
The thing about Twitter is that the abbreviated length can do you a great service. You have the chance to convey the information that you need to get across without being too wordy or having potential clients get distracted while looking at your website. Because of this short and to the point way of communicating you have the ability to pique your potential client’s interest so that they will click your link to learn more. Sending them back to your website to learn more about you, the service you provide or the product you sell is what you’re after here.
You also have the ability to send potential clients to specific areas of your website in order to find the information they need. This will save them time and that’s always a plus. They want specific information and if you can give it to them with a few words and a link to the direct page on your site with this information, they will love you for it. For instance, if you’re a service provider, the next time someone asks you what your rates are, you can send them directly to your rates page to find the answers they need immediately.
After you’ve been on Twitter for awhile you will start to see the word of mouth concept flying around everywhere. If one of your current customers is a member of Twitter and you’ve just returned an awesome project to them, especially if they happen to be chatting on Twitter when they get the email, they will more than likely sing your praises to their followers. Twitter has quickly become a place where many business owners go to ask for recommendations of service providers for certain tasks they need completed. You’ll even find some businesses recruiting writers, web designers, blog installers and more when they need something done. Twitter has a viral nature and quickly your name and what you do can be passed on to many people.
If you contribute to conversations and let people know you are out there, you will find that your tweets as well as your website URL will be passed around and shared. Make sure that you take advantage of this positive way to get your name out there. Many people use Twitter, and you'll find that this familiarity is one thing that can help you distinguish yourself from the herd.