Search engine optimization is a two-part process. You’ll want to optimize your web content (on-site) and work on getting many incoming links (off-site). This article will focus on the ways you can improve your search engine ranking by working on off-site factors.
Site Building
Site Building: Build your own profitable, independent website assets.
Search Engine Optimization on Your Website
Search Engine Optimization strikes fear into the hearts of many of the more seasoned Marketers. We’re here to tell you that it’s not as difficult as it seems.
This article will focus on ways you can make your site friendlier to the search engines. In order to really climb in the rankings, though, you’ll also want to read our article about off-site ways to climb the search engines.
Introduction to Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization is a viable way to get more traffic to your website through natural searches on MSN, google, and yahoo. Your goal is to get your page listed on the first page of the search engines for the terms in your niche that people are searching for.
You can find big, thick books written on this topic. We don’t have that kind of time or space here, but we’ll try to give you an overview without overwhelming you.
Expanding Your Online Business By Building a Website
As business grows, it can be a good idea to support your eBay sales with a website.
The first step is building a web presence outside of eBay by creating your own website. Building a website is not a difficult task. These days you don’t necessarily need the know-how to do it all yourself – there are plenty of people who will do it for you. Turnkey stores are an option, or you can have a designer create the basic design for a website and then purchase shopping cart software separately.
Either way, you need to think carefully about branding at this point. Branding is recognizable design features that are carried across your entire business from product to business cards, to your website and brochures.