Highlights Of My First Seminar Presentation

John Reese

by John Reese

I have really enjoyed helping other entrepreneurs, and I will continue to teach people how to succeed online — which is why I started MarketingSecrets.com.

Here are a few things that I recently shared in my first ever formal seminar presentation:

1. All of your marketing online must be designed for IDIOTS.

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Great! So Now Your Web Site *Sounds* Like Crap

John Reese

by John Reese

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve noticed that Armand Morin’s AudioGenerator service is taking the industry by storm.

It’s not just because it allows you to add audio to your web pages. Heck, there are some much cheaper ways to do that. It’s because he’s made it brain-dead-simple to do it. You call a phone number, record your message, and get code you paste to your site.

Whamo! You’ve got audio on your site.

For people that don’t want to mess with all the techie stuff involved with adding audio to web pages, his service has made it really simple…


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Internet Marketing Secrets Spiel

J. Stephen Pope

by J. Stephen Pope

Wouldn’t you like to know all the Internet marketing “secrets” that have made me the man I am today?

I live in a house way too big for my beautiful wife and myself. We eat three square meals a day and can snack anytime we feel like it! We drive our luxurious Cavalier to the beach and swim anytime we want (when I’m not busy making money on the Internet and the beach is not closed because of E. coli levels or ice fishing).

It wasn’t always this way. I remember just about fifty-two short years ago when I had no clothes. The doctor had to wrap me up in a blanket. But I applied myself for decades and finally starting making money on the Internet.

Did you hear about the guy that made fifty million dollars in one day on eBay? Peanuts! If you want to make really huge amounts of cash from e-commerce, listen to a guy who’s been there.

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How *Crap* Can Dramatically Boost Your Profits!

John Reese

by John Reese

You’re about to discover something that I honestly believe can CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

This is a concept that drives my marketing. This concept continues to make me a small fortune. Today I want to share this concept with you.

“Crap can make you rich.”

Don’t laugh. Let me explain.

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Climbing Mount Profit (Starting From The Top)

John Reese

by John Reese

I have been an entrepreneur for most of my life. I started my journey as an entrepreneur at age 11. Ironically, it was running a BBS (bulletin board system) with a computer, a 300 baud modem, and a phone line in 1981.

(BBSs essentially became the Internet that we know today.)

It would take me nearly 15 long years of being an entrepreneur before I would really make much money. And by that I mean more than $6,500 in a single YEAR which didn’t happen until almost 15 years later.

I have made every mistake in the book and invented several new ones when it comes to being an entrepreneur.

I was in nearly $100,000 of debt by age 22 — mainly from trying every business possible.

I practically ruined my health by age 25 and it almost killed me.

(I ended up in the emergency room with a body that was so overworked and stressed that it was trying to shutdown.)

BUT… I eventually turned things around. Through hard work, faith, and perseverance. But I won’t kid you, it wasn’t easy.

I did finally start to make a good income. I was finally able to get out of that mountain of debt. And then the best thing of all happened — I was able to learn how to GROW my business.

I was eventually able to make more money in a single month than the entire amount of debt that I had racked up by age 22.

But I was only able to start having success when I learned to grasp a powerful concept that I am about to teach you. I honestly believe that this one concept can change your life, because it changed mine.

No matter what stage you are at with your business, whether you are just getting started and dream of leaving your real job, or whether you are already making good money online, I have an absolutely critical question to ask you…

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The Biggest Mistakes Using Twitter

Most likely the biggest mistake that marketers make when using Twitter for their business is not grasping how it is supposed to be used for that purpose. That misunderstanding leads to a few problems that don’t get them bottom line results like they were hoping for. Don’t be fooled either, just because this article is … Read more