Ad Tracking Increases Your Profits

J. Stephen Pope

by J. Stephen Pope

How do you know whether your advertising is effective or not? The answer is to track advertising response for each ad you run.

Whether you operate a retail store, a service business, a mail order operation, or an Internet marketing business, you can measure the effectiveness of your advertising.

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Online Business Owners: Avoid These 5 Outsourcing Mistakes

Outsource Weekly

For those considering outsourcing in their online business, the goal is to create a more profitable company while streamlining the owner’s work. Taking the time to avoid common outsourcing mistakes will make the process go much smoother and avoid the feeling that you are spinning your wheels and getting nowhere. Or to quote Nicole Dean of “You must plan your outsourcing wisely. Otherwise, you’re simply throwing money into the wind.”

As with any part of business, outsourcing has its good and bad points, however if you are aware of the potential problems before hand, you increase your chances of an enjoyable experience.

Here are 5 potential outsourcing mistakes every online business owner should be aware of, in order to avoid making them.

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Get’Em While They Are Hot: Domain Names Flip For Big Bucks

Domain Cash Machine

“Domain Flipping” has become a tremendously popular way of earning money. Everyday people are buying and selling domain names they think will have strong commercial appeal. Sometimes domains have just the right sound, sometimes they have consistent traffic, and others have great content and products. The key is to find a good name and move on it … before someone else does.

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5 Benefits of Outsourcing for Online Business Owners

When you are in business for yourself, especially one that is conducted online, you’ll find there are a number of different things for you to learn about that can save you time and make you money. Outsourcing is by far one of the more exciting things to discover and put to use.

All too common is the business owner who feels they have to do everything themselves in order for things to go smoothly in their online venture. This couldn’t be farther from the truth! In case you’re curious about why so many online business owners are singing the praises of outsourcing, keep reading to see just five of the many benefits it can obtain.

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