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Loans For Health Professionals Are Good For You!

Tyler G. Hicks

by Tyler G. Hicks

LOANS FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS–can build your wealth in Financial Brokerage. Why? Because Health Professionals, as a group, are:

  • Well-educated, alert, intelligent, capable.
  • High-earning individuals who seek a good life style.
  • Hard workers who are ambitiously upwardly mobile.
  • Honest and reliable who do honor their loan promises.

FOR THESE, AND MANY OTHER GOOD REASONS, being a loan broker for health professionals–medical doctors, dentists, podiatrists, nurses, chiropractors, etc.–can be highly lucrative to you. To get started:

  1. Develop a list of lenders who specialize in health clients.
  2. Contact several of these lenders to act as a broker for them.
  3. Run small classified ads in local and health publications saying:
  4. LOANS for health professionals. Call day or night 123-4567 for details about these loans.

  5. Get full info from each caller, namely: Amount needed; Time for which loan is needed (its Term); Purpose for which the money is needed; Interest rate that’s acceptable; Professional’s Education; Health Speciality, etc.
  6. Give information to your lender, after the Health Professional gives you permission to do so. Use a Release Form so you’re not accused of giving out personal info without permission.
  7. Collect your fee from the Health Professional after the loan is obtained. Your fee will usually be 5% of the loan amount on loans up to $1-million. Thus, your fee on a $1-million loan will be $50,000. Most health professional loans are less than this.
  8. Expand your loan services to other health professionals by asking the person you’re serving to suggest his/her associates who might need your expertise. Word-of-mouth is the best kind of advertising you can get because one friend tells another about you and the good service you’ve provided.
  9. Try to attend local medical, dental and other professional meetings to present information about your services. You can do this by giving a talk on financing for health professionals. Or, if you don’t enjoy speaking in public, you can pass out leaflets describing your services to the attendees. You can then answer any questions they call into you on the phone. Soon you’ll be the “Most Wanted Person in Town,” earning a high income helping health professionals get funding they need!

Author Bio

Tyler G. Hicks, the president of International Wealth Success Inc., is the author of many wealth building publications, including the Four Doctor Loan Programs Kit.

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