Interviews to Generate Traffic

Traffic Generation Club

Internet Talk Radio shows and podcasts are popping up all over the web. And, guess what? Every show needs guests on a regular basis. Some of the shows are weekly, which means the hosts are scrambling for interesting people to interview each week. Why not pitch an idea to an Internet Talk Radio show and share your expertise with a new group of potential customers?

Not only do Talk Radio or podcast interviews get you exposure in front of a lot of people via the actual interview, but, many hosts will link to your website from the front page of their site, blog about the show, and send out a newsletter talking about you. Your interview may also be archived for months to come. It’s a pretty sweet deal.

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Best Business Practices for Twitter

If you’ve been around the social media circuit for any time, you know Twitter is the phenomenal micro-blogging platform revolutionizing the way people network and market their business. Twitter gains somewhere between 250,000 and 500,000 new users every month. The recently elected American President, Barak Obama, made Twitter a household name as the political pundits across the country marveled at the way his campaign team used the tool to reach millions of American’s with Obama’s message.

For all the people using Twitter effectively, there are also huge numbers of people who either don’t make good use of it at all or who try to overpower the platform and its users with unwanted spam.

Here are three of the best business practices for using Twitter effectively:

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