Exporting Is Usually Better For You Than Importing

Tyler G. Hicks

by Tyler G. Hicks

PEOPLE CALL US SAYING: ” I want to import products to sell here.” This is a good idea. But after you mentally go through the steps in importing, you wonder. For example, when you import items to sell you must:

  1. Find the product
  2. Negotiate a price
  3. Get it shipped to you
  4. Guide it through customs
  5. Store it in inventory
  6. SELL IT!

AND IT’S THE LAST STEP THAT is the tough one. We know a number of people with a “garage full” of digital watches they imported but couldn’t sell. You don’t want to be in that situation!

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Do What You Love and Get Paid for It!

How many people can wake up in the morning and, instead of joining the flood of traffic headed into the corporate world, focus on doing just what they love? If you’re not already rich enough to enjoy your hobbies, you might consider a way to let your hobbies make you rich!

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How To Fire A Customer

Wayne M. Davies
by Wayne M. Davies

It must be Tax Season. How do I know?

I’m swamped with work. Piles of files as far as the eye can see.

And I just fired a client. Again.

It happens every Tax Season — I don’t like to do it, but it’s something that just has to be done every now and then.

Let me explain.

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What You Need To Know About AdSense Stats

Affiliate Profits Club

by Joel Comm

When it comes to building great revenues on AdSense, nothing is more important than following your stats. The effect of any change you make to your site, to the positioning of your ads or to their layout or color is going to have a direct impact on the behavior of your users. That’s going to be clear in your stats. You’ll see it in your click-through rate and you’ll see it most importantly in your revenues.

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Barter Your Way to Profits

J. Stephen Pope

by J. Stephen Pope

Have you ever faced any of the following situations? One: You need a lawyer but you don’t have the cash for the retainer. Two: You have a warehouse full of inventory that just isn’t moving. Three: Sales are down and you need more customers.

Each of the above problems might be alleviated by bartering.

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