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20 Pieces of the Best Internet Marketing Advice I Ever Received

Automated Lists Profits

Finding advice on how to make money online is easy – it’s EVERYWHERE for a price. But as you know, it’s not all created equal. In fact, some of that IM advice can be downright harmful to your wallet and it can even erode your confidence that you can make this business work.

That’s why I’ve assembled some of the best IM advice I’ve received over the years, so you can can hit the ground running and begin building a REAL business FAST.

1. Sell or market the CORE solution that people want in your market.

This the one BIG reason why they’re in this market – the one thing they really, really want above anything else, also known as your BIG benefit. Don’t get sidetracked here – we’re talking about their main dream, their main desire, the ONE big thing that if they could have anything in your niche, that would be it.

In health, it’s often how to lose weight. Not how to count calories. Not the latest diet or exercise program. No one want’s a diet. No one wants to exercise (well, most people don’t.) But what they do want is to LOSE WEIGHT.

Don’t sell calorie counters and diets and exercise programs, sell them on how they’re going to FINALLY lose that weight. Don’t sell them on the latest iron pumping routine, sell them on how they’re going to have so many muscles the ladies will swoon. Don’t sell them on the latest herbal remedy, sell them on what that remedy gives them – more energy, no more ugly skin, younger look, etc.

In Internet Marketing, it’s how to make money. They don’t want a traffic tool or a website builder or a new plug-in or even a new money generating program – they want the MONEY these things can bring. So if you’re selling a WordPress plug-in, then spin it in such a way that it shows your prospects how it will make them more money.

Want to know why “Make money fast this week” sells so well? Because it’s what people want. Same way with “Lose 10 pounds in 10 days” and “Pick up any girl you want, anytime, anywhere, even if you look like a total frog.” Market to people’s core desire and you cannot go wrong.

2. Be a sales person.

That’s right – SELL. Yes, it is a four letter word, but it’s one you should be proud of. Sales people are some of the highest paid people in the world, regardless of whether they do their selling online or offline. Never, ever be afraid or ashamed to sell.

3. Sell to the newbies.

In almost any market you can think of, the real money is made on the newbies because…
a) there are so many more of them
b) there are new ones all the time
c) they’re eager to spend money to get the result they want
d) they’re far easier to please than a pro.

Someone who wants to make money online? They’re a newbie. Someone who wants to lose weight? Yes, they’re a newbie, too. Someone who wants to pick up women or get lots of dates? Again, they’re a newbie.

So what’s a newbie exactly? Someone who lacks the foundational, basic information they need to get the result they seek.

4. Watch to see what the newbies in your market are buying, and then learn it so you can sell it.

Find the solutions they seek and sell those, using your own words. You might find a technique someone is selling quite well for $27. You buy the product, learn the technique, and then create your own product using your own words and sell that. You might even present it in an entirely different manner which allows you to charge far more, such as packaging it as a $497 coaching program. Do learn from others, don’t steal, and do sell what people are looking for.

5. It’s all about presentation.

How do you convert a $27 solution into a $497 solution? Presentation and perception, it’s that simple. Do you really think one new car is worth $20,000 while another is somehow worth $200,000? Not really. It’s simply a matter of presentation and perception – packaging and presenting your product in a manner that fetches the higher price.

6. Know that you cannot create products fast enough to meet the demand of many marketplaces.

People want the products and they want them NOW, and the products don’t have to be perfect, either. Knowing this should give you the confidence to get busy producing products instead of just thinking about it.

7. Build a reputation in your marketplace.

Whatever it is that you sell, you want to build a reputation as being the expert, whether it’s dating, relationships, weight loss, making money, list building, etc. If you don’t have the reputation in the beginning, partner with people who do. Make products with them, do interviews with them, do joint promotions and so forth. In fact, you can create infinite businesses simply by always joining with an expert. They provide the knowledge, you provide the marketing skills, and together you make and sell products.

Your reputation is your presentation, so look and act successful. Have authority, presence and be the expert (or partner with the expert.)

8. Pick a big niche where people buy things over and over again.

Pick a niche where you want to learn, then learn the stuff and sell it. Money loves speed, so just pick something and run with it.

9. Get more aggressive than you’re used to being.

Have a “I don’t give a damn, get it done” attitude. Force things to happen. Stop worrying about what other people think. Don’t worry about your peers – your peers don’t buy from you, your customers do. Provide more value than the price is asking. Get aggressive selling your stuff, branding yourself and making money.

10. Decide to be an authoritative, celebrity type of person.

“This is me, check me out, I don’t care what you think, I’m going to have fun.” This world needs more leaders. Most people just want to be lead, which makes an incredible opportunity to be a leader. And if you’re a leader, the world will get out of your way and do what you tell them to do. They will admire and follow you, and buy from you.

11. Be authoritative for one day and see what happens – people want leaders.

Go ahead, try it today. You’ll gain more confidence in one day than you otherwise would in a year of working the business, and people will follow where ever you lead them.

12. Use your real name in the market you’re passionate about, use a pen name in other markets.

Get a picture of yourself, or a cartoon picture and make it memorable. Use it in all of your marketing to help brand yourself in your main niche. Become a GURU and expert in your marketplace. Yes, it’s a good thing to be a guru because people will pay attention to you. It’s surprisingly easy to be an expert, just learn your topic.

13. #1 rule of public relations – toot your own horn.

No one’s going to say you’re a great ___ (you fill in the blank) unless you say you’re a great ___. Selling weight loss info? Then you’re a great expert on losing weight. Selling make money info? Then you’re a great marketing or small biz or entrepreneurial expert, and so forth.

14. If you brand yourself to your list, you can have a small list and still make a fortune.

Stop trying to please everyone, choose your exact audience and please only them. Be different. Don’t try to blend in, be an original. Stand out. Ask yourself how you are different from your competitors and why should your list open your emails before anyone else’s emails?

15. Create something very valuable to give away everywhere.

Maybe it’s a free recording, or audio shows, or a book or videos or whatever. Your freebie needs to be stellar because it’s really your calling card. If they love your freebie, they’re going to want more. If they hate your freebie or simply aren’t excited by it, they’re going to unsubscribe in a heartbeat.

16. Give away something valuable every week like a recording or podcast to keep them coming back, hearing your voice and getting to know and respect you.

Go ahead and plug something at the end, too. It keeps them attuned to the fact that you will indeed be selling to them, both through your podcasts and in your emails. If they love your 30 minutes of great content but complain about your 3 minute pitch at the end, unsubscribe them yourself – those aren’t customers, those are freebie seekers who want the moon delivered on a silver platter for nothing. Which brings me to my next point…

17. Fire people from your list when you need to.

Someone complains that you offered to sell them a product? Remove them from your list. Someone complains you email too much? Remove them. Someone complains you don’t email enough? Now there’s a clue – send more emails. Someone demands you give them time and attention and advice and help forever and ever for free? Give them the boot.

These aren’t customers, these are people who will suck the life right out of you and your business. They typically only make up 1-2% of a list, but they will demand 110% of your time and give you nothing in return but non-stop aggravation that you do not need and cannot afford. Yes, it sounds harsh, but you can learn this lesson the easy way or the hard way.

18. Use this formula when writing copy: “I know your problem, here’s the solution, and I’ll prove it’s the best solution.”

19. Take the emotion out of business and focus on the math.

People get so emotionally attached to their business, they forget the one thing that matters – math. Work on your business, not in your business.

20. Your ability to have courage and escape comfort zones will dictate how much you make.

Your ability to have courage and escape comfort zones will dictate how much you make. Your ability to have courage and escape comfort zones will dictate how much you make. Yes, I wrote it 3 times for a reason – and I suggest you write it in 12 inch letters and paste in every room of your house – it’s that important.

There are no gimmicks in this list, no techniques that work this week but not next week. It’s all tried and true and flat out works. In fact, the information is this little list is probably worth more and has created more fortunes than the last 100 WSO’s you’ve purchased combined – think about that. And go read the list again.

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